Ballet Soul Body
It's always a better vibe when your child dances with others, therefore our class capacity is from min 2-3 children to max 10-12 children. Hope it's not inconvenient for you if I combine the class or divide the class depending on the number of sign ups. Will let you know ahead of time. Feel free to contact me with any concerns.
Studio Policy
Thank you for choosing Ballet Soul Body for your dance education and training! Dancers carry a tradition of discipline, respect, manners, and grace at ALL ages. Please thoroughly read the studio policies and expectations of Ballet Arts students and parents below. Thank you for your attention to these policies.
Sincerely, Sabrina Sun, Artistic Director and Founder at Ballet Soul Body.
Studio Policies for the STUDENTS:
· Gum, food and drink (other than water) are not permitted in class (within dance floor area).
· Talking in class is not allowed. Please raise your hand when there is a question for the teacher. Wait quietly for instruction from the teacher and while others are dancing.
· Hanging on barres and touching the mirrors is not permitted, it can cause injury.
· Please allow for time to use the restroom before class. Restroom requests during class are a distraction to both the student and other classmates.
· Show respect for fellow dancers. Keep your hands to yourself.
· Be respectful if you are a little late for class. Wait for the end of an exercise, quietly enter, and apologize to the instructor. If you know ahead of time that you will need to leave a little early, please notify the instructor prior to class starting. Before leaving, politely let the instructor know before dismissing yourself quietly.
· Corrections from teachers are important for development and proper training. Getting corrections from our dance instructors is how we grow. It is not criticism but a desire for improvement and growth from teacher to student. Quietly observing other students in class is another great way to learn. The study of dance necessitates physical contact between the instructor and student and sometimes between students. “Hands on” adjustment of a student’s body to correct alignment and technique is standard in dance instruction.
Studio Policies for the PARENTS:
· Parents and guardians are responsible for students’ and siblings’ behavior and safety before and after class. We prefer drop off only, with exception for observation for the first class only.
· Students should attend class on time, arriving a few minutes early to prepare- change shoes and clothes, warm up, and use the restroom. During class there is a restroom in the back of the studio for dancers and staff only. Arriving after class begins is a distraction to students. It is not physically safe to attend class mid-way through and not properly warmed up. Participation after arriving late to class is at the discretion of the individual instructor. If the student is more than 15 minutes late and not permitted to take the class, it will be considered an absence and will need to take a makeup class.
· Parents/Guardians should notify the studio prior to any absence.
· If you are running late or in an emergency situation, please call the office (201) 362-4634. Sometimes running late picking up your child is unavoidable, however, please do not let this become frequent. If you drop off your child outside the building or arrange for your child to wait for you outside the building, you assume full responsibility for their safety. Ballet Soul Body is not responsible for the well-being of any student who leaves the studio premises.
· Parents waiting in the lounge during class should avoid distractions to the teacher and students.
· Please keep parent teacher conversations and greetings in the lobby between classes short. Longer questions should be addressed in email or by phone.
· | 201-362-4634
· No food is allowed beyond dance floor.
· Keeping the dressing room and lobby clean will be greatly appreciated.
· No outside shoes on the dance studio floor.
· Please label your belongings. Ballet Soul Body is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles.
· No cell phones or Apple watch in class.
· Students should arrive 5- 10 minutes before class. Please do not arrive late. Students should wait in the lounge area for instructions from the staff to enter the studio. Staff will dismiss dancers.
· School closing announcements due to weather will be posted on our website home page (if time permits) and the Ballet Soul Body social media @ballet_soul_body_studio. We will also email you to alert you of any other unforeseen emergency closings. Please be sure to supply an accurate email address (add our email to your contact list please) and emergency contact phone number on your registration form. Most communication will be through the internet. Snow days can be made up at your convenience. No additional days will be added to the calendar. In an emergency cancellation, for example faculty sickness, you will be notified and the class will be rescheduled. We will make every effort to notify parents of cancellations- email, phone, social media, and website (when possible).
· Any student with a prolonged injury or illness will require a doctor’s note to return to class. If a dancer has a minor injury, it is a requirement to attend class and observe while taking notes.
· Ballet Soul Body will not tolerate physical, emotional, cyber or any other form of bullying/harassment which we define as any physical, verbal or written behavior (either electronically or in person) directed to harm another. Our anti-bullying policy is applicable to all students, teachers, employees and dance families. If any student, teacher, employee or member of Ballet Soul Body family engages in any form of bullying activity they will no longer be permitted to participate in any way at Ballet Soul Body. Please report bullying by contacting the studio. Reported harassment will be dealt with in a timely, fair, confidential, and effective manner.
· Please refer to the website for details on class placement/requirements, class descriptions, tuition policies, and dance attire requirements
· Class Frequency Recommendations/ Performance Requirements (Weekly): Pre Ballet, Ballet I, Ballet IB- 1 class/week; Ballet II- 1 or 2 classes/week (Ideally 2 classes per week); Ballet III: 2 classes/week; Ballet III/IV-IV- 2+classes/week; Ballet V+: 3+ classes/week. Pointe and pre-pointe: Students must demonstrate necessary strength and technical skill for pointe and are by staff invitation ONLY. For the safety of the student and the difficulty and strength required dancing on pointe, Pointe and pre-pointe students are required to consistently attend a minimum of TWO technique classes a week (MUST be ballet technique class and NOT a supplemental dance class like character or contemporary. Additional summer session requirement, Pointe students must take a minimum of four weeks (2 or more technique classes per week).
· Dance classes that students take at other schools will not be considered in the requirements for Ballet Soul Body advance level or Pointe technique requirements or for Ballet Soul Body performances for any level.
· All students will be carefully placed in the class that fits their technique. Ballet Soul Body reserves the right to professionally determine the class level of the student, regardless of age. Class level will not be a subject for parent or student decision or negotiation.
· All students are required to attend all assigned classes according to level and placement.
· Any level changes will be made at the sole recommendation of the Ballet Soul Body staff.
· New student assessments for level and placement will be determined before registering. Please contact the office prior to attending to determine the best class to attend for this assessment.
· Ages may differ in classes beginning Ballet I and up. Our emphasis is on the student’s technical achievement and the level that encourages the most progress.
· Performance is part of the reward for all of a dance student’s hard work and devotion. We consider the experience of performing before a live audience, as well as the process of working on a performance, a valuable part of our training program. All students who are taking the required number of weekly classes for a given level are invited to participate in an annual Spring and/or Holiday performance during year round session. Dance classes that students take at other schools will not be considered in the requirements for Ballet Soul Body advance level or Pointe technique requirements OR for Ballet Soul Body performances for any level.
· Performance fees cover rehearsal time, costume rental, scenery, props, and dress rehearsal rental fee. Please read the performance agreement thoroughly. Payment of the performance fee is your agreement to participate and abide by all the performance policies.
· Students must attend all classes, rehearsals and performances in order to participate. (Rehearsal schedule will be included with performance sign up form, and posted at the studio.) Attendance at Dress Rehearsal is MANDATORY. Appliable in 2024.
· All payments must be made prior to first class taken. First two month’s tuition is due at time of registration, unless otherwise noted.
· Tuition is due on the 1st of the month. Paying with Cash and Check (payable to Sabrina Sun) will receive 10% discount. Credit card and Venmo are also available in studio.
· Classes are subject to change or cancellation. Refunds available only for cancellations on our end.
· Walk-in are welcoming. For ballet single class walk-in rate: $25; Technique class walk-in: $35. For Pilates and Adult Ballet walk-in rate is $25.
· Please contact the studio for more info/prices subject to change.
· If you DO NOT FEEL WELL and/or HAVE A FEVER, dry cough or any flu like symptoms DO NOT ATTEND IN-STUDIO CLASSES
· If your student or someone who lives in your household has COVID, DO NOT ATTEND IN-STUDIO CLASSES . Please keep our studio as safe as possible!
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